There are some things you believe about yourself that you think are absolutely true. You don't really have a reason why you think that way or where those beliefs came from but you just know that is the truth. If there is something I want to do, I will figure out a way to do it. And heaven forbid if someone tells me I can't do something I am interested in doing, then it is game on and I will figure out a way.
I tell you this because I had that in my head about drawing. I just simply can't draw anything lifelike. As a child that belief got stuck in my head. Now that I have lived a life and decided that I am going to learn to draw and I found out, I Can!
Here are some things I have worked on in the past week.
I am enjoying this process so very much and it is helping me through this holiday season.
The main reason for sharing this with you is to encourage you to look at some of the beliefs you might be hanging on to and maybe look at them in a different way. Is it really true?? What would happen if it wasn't really true?